Flex Days

Save the Date: Spring Flex Day is Tuesday, March 21, 2024

Flex Day Fall 2023 - Tuesday, October 3

Theme: "Servingness and Intentionality"

Full schedule with session descriptions

  • 8:30am - Breakfast and Check-In (outside PAC)
  • 9:00am - Opening Session (PAC)
    • Land Acknowledgement by Veronica Martinez
    • Welcome by Dr. Cooks
  • 9:30am - Plenary Session (PAC)
    • Keynote: The Heart of the Bay
    • Fireside Chat: Serving Latinx Males
  • 11:00am - Morning Breakout Session
    • Accessible Campus-Wide Emails (Online)
    • AI Use at Chabot (Room 405 and Online)
    • Empowering HS Students through Dual Enrollment (Room 455)
    • Lost in Translation? We may be able to help! (Room 853)
    • Math Success Team (STEM Center)
    • New Employee Onboarding (Room 854)
    • Reviewing and Updating your Program Maps (Room 130)
    • The Alternative Academic Calendar Committee: Should CLPCCD move to a compressed calendar? (Room 856 and Online)
    • Ticketing Your College Event with Purplepass (Online)
    • What’s new for OER/ZTC: Updates, ZTC Dashboard, and funding for projects (Online)
  • 12:00pm - Lunch Provided by iCue Island Grindz

    (owned by Chabot Alum Robert Viernes, viernesrobert@gmail.com)

  • 1:00pm - Active Shooter Training (Cafeteria)
  • 2:00pm - Afternoon Breakout Session
    • Building an Altar for Dia de los Muertos (Room 505)
    • Copy Requests: Tips, Tricks, and How-To (Online)
    • Countering Implicit Bias with Cultural Humility (Room 455)
    • Curriculum Development Working Session (Room 130 and Online)
    • Demystifying OER and ZTC to Incorporate Equitable and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (Online)
    • Emergency Preparedness (Room 405)
    • How to Make Dazzling Video Lectures for Online Classes (Room 506)
    • Ready for Math Class (Room 1705 and Online)
    • Success Team Collaboration Time: Serving our students through pathway supports (Room 504)
    • Solidarity in Serving: Navigating Latinx Servingness for Affinity Groups at Chabot (Online)
  • 3:00pm - Division Meetings
    • APSS (Board Room)
    • Classified Professionals Open House (504)
    • Counseling (352)
    • Language Arts (455)
    • Social Sciences (405)
    • Others: Please check in with your senior admin.


What are Flex Days?

Flex Day Obligations for Faculty: Faculty Contract, Article 29B.

Mandatory Flex Days are days set aside for faculty to participate in programmed activities in person and are conducted in lieu of instruction when scheduled at times that classes would normally meet.

Variable Flex Day is a requirement for full-time faculty to complete a specific number of hours (defined in the Faculty Contract) of improvement activities on their own time. See the Activity Proposal Form for a list of allowable activities. Generally, flex activities must be designed to improve your work as a Faculty member, or to improve your contribution to the college.