
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

ARTH 1 -艺术入门    ( 3.00 -单位)
为什么艺术很重要? Art matters because human beings make—have always made and always will make—images to communicate the great breadth of human experience. 为什么艺术史很重要? 因为没有它, 我们祖先图像的意义——他们的信息, 教导, 我们将失去礼物. 在这介绍艺术, our class will travel through history and across the globe to learn how we humans use painting, 雕塑, 体系结构, 摄影和其他艺术形式来回应我们的环境, 来解决我们的问题, 展示我们的价值观, 从我们身边的材料中创造美. (Formerly ART 1; may not receive credit if ART 1 has been completed.)

  1. 区分和应用艺术史方法论;
  2. 识别艺术作品中使用的视觉元素和设计原则;
  3. interpret and critique artwork using appropriate art historical terminology;
  4. 将艺术作品的形式和功能与媒介和技术联系起来;
  5. analyze and discuss the role of art and artists in cultures across the globe.

ARTH 3 -电影历史和欣赏    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course aims to immerse students in three key foundations of film: its history; its artistry; and its interpretation. For the history portion we cover the invention of film through the first widespread use of color (1878 to 1939). For the artistry portion we cover essential technical and formal elements of film-making. For the interpretation portion we cover the conventions and 社会 functions of different film genres. These topics are presented through slide-illustrated lectures and screenings of films (and film clips) from many countries of origin, 为艺术形式提供全球方法的经验教训. ARTH 3特别适合视觉学习者.

  1. 讲述电影发明的历史;
  2. describe film scenes using the correct technical and formal vocabulary;
  3. 找到并确定故事片中使用的类型惯例;
  4. interpret film as an informed observer using correct genre-specific vocabularies.

ARTH 4 -艺术史-古代到哥特式    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course presents a chronological history of the West using iconic artworks that embody the conditions and values of the people who created them. 我们从史前开始, 当时克鲁马努人在他们洞穴的墙壁上作画, 并在中世纪晚期结束, when artists sought ways to give tangible form to God and the heavens. 一路走来, we cover visual masterworks by ancient Arabs and Persians of Mesopotamia, 东北非洲人和尼罗河人在埃及, 以及地中海地区的希腊人和罗马人. 本课程特别适合视觉学习者. (Formerly ART 4; may not receive credit if ART 4 has been completed.)

  1. 确定并建立一个文化意义的论点, 和历史价值的嵌入, 从史前到公元前1世纪的艺术品;
  2. 确定并建立一个文化意义的论点, 并将历史价值嵌入其中, 从公元1世纪到哥特时期的艺术品;
  3. 确定并建立美术风格的论据, 文化意义, and historical value of original artwork viewed in a museum (in person or virtually).

ARTH 5 -艺术史-文艺复兴到现代    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course presents a chronological history of the West using iconic works of art and 体系结构 that embody the conditions and values of the people who created them. We begin as Humanism cleaves the Early Renaissance away from a Medieval mindset, 并在近期总结, as art is radically redefined by modern and contemporary artists to evocatively reflect our unpredictable, 艰难时期. 本课程特别适合视觉学习者.

  1. 确定并建立一个文化意义的论点, 而历史价值体现在, 从原始文艺复兴到前现代时期的艺术作品;
  2. 确定并建立一个文化意义的论点, 而历史价值体现在, 现当代艺术作品;
  3. 确定并建立美术风格的论据, 文化意义, and historical value of original artwork viewed in museums (in person or virtually).

艺术历史-二十和二十一世纪的艺术    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course presents a chronological history of the 20th- and 21st centuries in the West (and at times, 除了), using iconic artworks that embody the conditions and values of the people who created them. We examine artworks created in a wide variety of media and targeting a broad range of subjects. Our focus is on major movements and influential ideas of this period, which—more than any other art historical period—were shaped by women artists, 土著艺术家, disasporic艺术家, 有色艺术家. 本课程特别适合视觉学习者.

  1. 确定并建立一个文化意义的论点 of, 而历史价值体现在, 二十世纪的艺术作品;
  2. 确定并建立一个文化意义的论点 of, 而历史价值体现在, 21世纪的艺术作品;
  3. 确定并建立美术风格的论据, 文化意义, and historical value of original artwork viewed in museums (in person or virtually).

ARTH 7 -美国艺术的多元文化历史    ( 3.00 -单位)
从1800年到现在的美国艺术的多元文化调查. 特别强调由美洲原住民创造的艺术品, 亚裔美国人, 非裔美国人, 以及西班牙/拉丁裔艺术家和工匠. Considers how art objects express the maker’s identity within the specific historical, 社会, 以及他或她生活中的政治环境. Addresses how male and female artists and artisans from these groups have used various art forms to assert their gender and ethnic identity in response to historical change.

  1. 区分美国艺术的趋势.
  2. 在历史背景下解读美国艺术
  3. 充分利用美国艺术的视觉特质.

ARTH 8 -艺术史-全球视角    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course offers an overview of the rich visual cultures of Africa, 亚洲, 大洋洲, 和美洲. 我们的重点是观点, 哲学, and aesthetics developed before and/or outside the European tradition, thereby providing students visual and intellectual lessons from civilizations with distinctive and exceptional non-white worldviews. Each unit of study addresses a non-Western civilization’s visual cultures and the aesthetics associated with that civilization’s periods/kingdoms, 宗教, 喜欢的艺术类型. 本课程特别适合视觉学习者.

  1. 辨别非洲艺术作品中的美学, and establish an argument that connects those aesthetics to the African cultural values of 仪式, 过程, 和权力;
  2. Discern the aesthetics in artwork from South 亚洲 and Southeast 亚洲, and establish an argument that connects those aesthetics to the South and Southeast 亚洲n cultural values of spi仪式ity, 仪式, 和二元性;
  3. 辨别东亚艺术的美学, and establish an argument that connects those aesthetics to the East 亚洲n cultural values of naturalism, 活力, 和简单;
  4. 辨别来自中美洲艺术作品的美学, and establish an argument that connects those aesthetics to the Mesoamerican cultural values of 宇宙学, 仪式, 和身份;
  5. 辨别大洋国艺术作品中的美学, and establish an argument that connects those aesthetics to the Oceanic cultural values of nature, 宇宙学, 部落身份.

ARTH 20 -摄影史    ( 3.00 -单位)
A broad chronological survey of photography from its invention to the present. 考虑到媒介作为技术和艺术的双重角色. 解决了摄影主题和目的的多样性. Considers the intersections of photography and technology, history, art, and everyday life.

  1. Given the sample provided, identify its period and technical 过程
  2. Specify the specific technical, historic, and artistic issues of photography in the 19th century.
  3. Specify the specific technical, historic, and artistic issues of photography in the 20th century